Tarot Cafe (8/10)

Gina Li

Indian style cafes are also available in Thailand! with "Tarot Cafe" that looks like Little India has been set up here with Indian decoration style Emphasis on crimson red, brown and gold in Indian style. It goes well with the furniture and decorations that the shop chooses to use. When walking into the shop, it makes us feel as if we have slipped into the world of the land of Bharata. Plus, here's a cafe that is the most unseen. Because inside the shop, there is also a chance to see tarot cards from famous oracles. The other side of the shop is Om Thewalai. enshrined of Lord Ganesha and various Hindu deities which we can go to pay homage to the prosperity as well As for food and drinks that would be recommended to try, such as chicken net noodles, organic fried tofu, papaya salad, larb moo, fried chicken, Fried chicken skin and signature drinks here are lemon juice, tamarind juice and civet coffee. If anyone wants to experience a new cafe, sip coffee, eat delicious food. along with fortune telling in an Indian style atmosphere You can come and visit here

Location: 67 Tarot cafe Soi 11, Prasert Manukit Road, Chorakhe Bua, Lat Phrao, Bangkok.

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday (10.00-21.00)

Phone number : 02-5707000

Website :https://www.facebook.com/tarotcafe.coffee/

GPS : https://goo.gl/maps/gmrKtZhnWXyq2tAJ6

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