Rosemarilyn Cafe (7/10)


Gina Li

This store is certain to appeal to women! The Arabic-style cafes "Rosemarilyn Café" and "Malicerin Café" in the Ari neighbourhood are both colourfully adorned. 

from individuals that share the shop owner's fascination with Middle Eastern design.

 accumulating different adorable things in Arabic style as a result When they were flight hostesses, they brought a variety of accumulated objects to decorate the shop's interior. 

We will notice that the shop's walls' colours are a perfect match as soon as we walk in. 

plus more unusually designed tiles that perfectly complement the colours adding lamps with adorable accents as well. 

It is comparable to travelling to an Arabian setting.

 plus a wonderful chance for pictures.  

Location: Under the Siamese Building (Ratchahru, between Phahonyothin Soi 3-5), Phahonyothin Road, Phayathai District, Bangkok 

Opening hours : Monday - Sunday (07:30 - 20:00)

Phone number : 095-4515642

Website :


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