Top 25 Things to Do In Melbourne City

Ultimate guides to getting a full experience in Melbourne.

Melbourne, Australia, is a vibrant and diverse city with plenty to offer visitors. Here are some of the top things to do in Melbourne that will make your visit even better:

  1. Explore Federation Square: This cultural hub in the heart of Melbourne hosts a range of events, exhibitions, and dining options. It's a great place to start your Melbourne adventure.

  2. Visit the Royal Botanic Gardens: Enjoy a relaxing stroll through these beautiful gardens, which feature an incredible variety of plants from around the world.

  3. Wander around the CBD: Melbourne's Central Business District is known for its unique laneways filled with street art, shops, cafes, and hidden bars. Don't miss Hosier Lane for some of the city's most famous street art.

  4. Discover Melbourne's Coffee Culture: Melbourne is famous for its coffee, so be sure to indulge in a cup at one of the many local cafes.

  5. Stroll along the Yarra River: The Yarra River runs through the city and offers scenic views, walking trails, and opportunities for picnics.

  6. Explore the National Gallery of Victoria: NGV is Australia's oldest and most visited art museum, housing an extensive collection of art, including indigenous and international works.

  7. Shop at Queen Victoria Market: This historic market is a great place to sample local produce, shop for souvenirs, and experience Melbourne's multicultural food scene.

  8. Visit the Melbourne Museum: Learn about Australia's natural and cultural history, including the country's unique flora and fauna.

  9. Go to St. Kilda: This beachside suburb is known for its lively atmosphere, Luna Park, and the iconic St. Kilda Pier, where you can spot penguins at sunset and dine with the romantic settings.

  10. Take a Day Trip: Consider exploring the beautiful surrounding regions, such as the Yarra Valley wine region, the Great Ocean Road, or Phillip Island to see the famous penguin parade.

  11. Attend a Sporting Event: Melbourne is often referred to as the sporting capital of Australia. Depending on the season, catch a game of Australian Rules Football (AFL) at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) or tennis at the Australian Open.

  12. Dine in Melbourne's Food Scene: Melbourne is renowned for its diverse culinary scene. Try everything from fine dining to street food, with a focus on international cuisines.

  13. Visit the Shrine of Remembrance: This war memorial offers a beautiful view of the city skyline and is a place of reflection and remembrance.

  14. Experience the Melbourne Zoo: Located in the city's north, the zoo is home to a wide range of animals from around the world.

  15. Enjoy the Arts: Melbourne is a hub for the arts, with numerous theaters, music venues, and festivals happening throughout the year. Check out what's on during your visit.

  16. Hidden Gem Finds:  Op-Shops is the place for vintage items and second hand goods. You will never know how it may surprise you with great items.

  17. Enjoy the Degravers Street: Little Parisian street that has cafes and delicious gelato.

  18. Experience Classic Film: The Astor Theatre is the place to bring you back to the old Hollywood cinema with all the velvet curtain frames and classic films. It is a one of a lifetime experience!

  19. Local Whisky: Head over to Starward Distillery and get to experience their local Asutralian made whisky.

  20. Southern Light: Don't miss out the Southern Light Aurora at Bruny Island, Cradle Mountain, and Bathurst Harbour.

  21. Pink Lake in Summer: The one and only pink lake in Melbourne Westgate Park

  22. Visit theaters at Arts House: Contemporary performance with innovative year-round program of national and international works, including theatre, dance, live art, digital and visual art. 

  23. Luxury at Block Arcade: Victorian era's finest shopping arcades and ranks among Melbourne's most popular tourist attractions for shopping.

  24. Take photos at Brighton Beach: Brighton Beach is known for their colourful bathing boxes!

  25. Visit CROWN casino: It is located at the south bank of the Yarra River with high end shops, spas, hotels, fine dining all in one place. Not to mention being one of the largest casino complex in the world!

Melbourne is a city that celebrates its cultural diversity, so be sure to immerse yourself in its unique neighborhoods, events, and experiences to get the most out of your visit.

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