JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta (1/5)


Starting from 29th February 2024, the team of Padang Merdeka kitchen will take over Sailendra Restaurant with a special buffet station - offering curated Padang signatures that seamlessly blends Sailendra's rich array of local to International selections. Prepared with the finest ingredients and expert culinary technique, from aromatic rendang, gulai ayam, signature telur goreng and more- each dish will showcase the depth and complexity of Indonesian cuisine. This exceptional dining experience is offered at IDR 558.000++ per guest for week 1 & 4, and at IDR 658.000++ per guest for week 2 & 3.

JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta 
Jalan DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav E.1.2 No 1&2
Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 57988888


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