Brother DCP-T420 (4/5)


The Brother DCP-T420 printer is simple to set up - and has a crisp, clear printed result to boot. Overview The DCP-T420 printer comes complete with a scanner and wireless as well as cloud printing functionalities for efficient queue checking and remote printing from anywhere near the device. Its paper holder is adjustable to the type and size of the paper fed into the machine, with a maximum feed capacity of around 150 pages. Who is this for? This printer's appearance and features were designed around the home and small office usage. According to user reviews: even if vibrantly coloured images are printed on the highest printer setting, the pictures come out perfectly dry without a trace of wet ink. Moreover, its printing yield is in the higher range as well- with about 7500 pages in black and white and 5,000 pages in colour. productnation


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