A Hidden Gem for Coffee and Snacks: Liminal Coffee + Bites

Liminal Coffee + Bites is a fantastic find in Batam! The moment you walk in, you’re greeted by a modern and cozy atmosphere that’s perfect for both relaxing and working. The interior design is stylish yet comfortable, with plenty of natural light and well-thought-out seating arrangements. It’s the kind of place where you can spend hours reading a book, catching up with friends, or getting some work done.

photosource: Liminal Coffee + Bites Facebook

The coffee is superb—I had a latte, and it was perfectly balanced with a rich, creamy texture and just the right amount of froth. You can tell that the baristas here take pride in their craft, as each cup is meticulously prepared and beautifully presented. For those who prefer something different, their cold brew is also exceptional, offering a refreshing and smooth alternative.

photosource: Liminal Coffee + Bites Facebook

Their food menu, though selective, is delicious and thoughtfully curated. I tried the chicken pesto sandwich and was blown away by its freshness and flavor. The ingredients tasted high-quality and well-prepared, making it a perfect pairing with my coffee. They also offer a variety of pastries and desserts; the croissants are flaky and buttery, a must-try for any visitor.

photosource: Liminal Coffee + Bites Facebook

The staff at Liminal Coffee + Bites are incredibly friendly and attentive, making the experience even more enjoyable. They are always ready to provide recommendations or accommodate special requests, ensuring that each customer feels valued and well-cared for. It’s clear that customer satisfaction is a top priority here.

photosource: Liminal Coffee + Bites Facebook

Overall, Liminal Coffee + Bites offers an excellent combination of great coffee, tasty food, and a welcoming ambiance. It’s the kind of place that quickly becomes a favorite hangout spot, whether you’re a local or just visiting Batam. I’m already looking forward to my next visit and trying more items from their menu. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a high-quality coffee shop experience!

Liminal Coffee + Bites

Address: Jl. Sudirman, Sukajadi, Kec. Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29432, Indonesia

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