Top Tips to Travel in Bangkok like an expert!

  1. 9 Boat Trip along the Chao Phraya River


    Take the boat along Chao Praya river to see all the beautiful hotels along the river before stopping by the Icon Siam, one of the largest shopping mall with all the high-end shops and restaurants.

     Saphan Taksin BTS > Free Ferry Ride to Icon Siam

  2. 8 Extra Budget? Why not go extra miles


    If you have planned for a longer stay, why not explore somewhere away from the busy city for few days. Hua Hin Bangkok is a nice getaway that is also known as mini Santorini. 

    It took approximately 3 hours to reach HuaHin from Bangkok on road.

    Options: Plane, Taxi, Bus, Train and Private Van

    Here is the recommeneded read for transportation (Bangkok-Huahin):

  3. 7 Shopping Haven, Pack Lightly

    Shopping in Thailand is truly remarkable -beauty products, cosmetic, clothings. local produce are just few to be named. I would recommend packing lightly to Thailand and go home with all the goodies!

    Things here are affordable and good quality too.

    Shopping places: MBK Centre, Platinum Mall, Siam Square, Union Mall, Victory Monument Market, Chatuchak Weekend Market

  4. 6 Local Thai food is the way to go


    When travelling to any country, the most charming thing is their local food. Thailand food is the most magical thing you will ever get to discover. Despite the spicy dishes, there are a lot of options for non-spicy dishes as well! To name a few -their perfect grilled meat (it can be pork, chicken, seafood and beef!), fried rice, noodle soup and so on. Tom yum and pad thai is just another dish that got famous. However, be mindful of food choices when trying street food. 

    Note: Raw and uncooked street food is strongly not recommended, opt for reputable restaurant is you really want to try them.

  5. 5 Download GRAB App


    If you feel hesitate to take taxi or Tuktuk because you are not fluent in Thai. Just download the ehailing app GRAB and just type away where you wish to go! The fare will be slightly more expensive if you were to get GRAB but at least you will be more comfortable with not naming a place incorrectly and get to a wrong destination! It is good options too if you can't seem to get a taxi in certain area.

  6. 4 Taxi and TukTuk is almost everywhere


    If you are lost, just hail a taxi or tuktuk to get you to your destination. Tips- if you are not fluent in Thai language, name the famous landmark which you are familiar with and there is a pretty good chance they will know where is it.

    Additional info: If you were to take TukTuk make sure to negotiate the price before you go on board.

  7. 3 Use Google Map

    Google Map would be handy for travellers, often time it will show you a pretty accurate routes especially if you are walking it will be super handy because it includes travel options by public transport, vehicles or walking mode! Ain't nothing gonna stop you from reaching your destination safely!

  8. 2 Walking Around

    lonely planet

    In Bangkok, it is easy to missed out on great things especially when travelling on road in a car. Bangkok city is meant for explorer! You will find hidden gems often time when walking aroud the city. Don't be afraid to explore areas by walking, you will be surprised with the great findings like aesthetic cafes and independent stores.

  9. 1 BTS & MRT Card!


    Commute easily around Bangkok by purchasing their RABBIT card for BTS and MRT card to get around Bangkok easily and saves time too from traffic jam except when it is peak hours (probably you have to squeeze in abit)

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